Monday, July 28, 2014

Master Gardeners Update

The Northern Neck Master Gardeners' booth provides research based answers to all of your gardening questions each month.  As the volunteer arm of Virginia Cooperative Extension, the Master Gardeners have a variety of resource materials to provide.  Each month they have hints on what chores need to be done in your garden as well as the most water wise, ecologically sound approach to gardening.  In August they will have information on the FREE Lawn Seminar being presented on August 23rd.  Dr. Michael Goatley, Turf Grass Specialist at Virginia Cooperative Extension, Blacksburg and Professor at Virginia Tech will be the presenter.  Stop by the booth to pick up a flyer with times and locations.
Master Gardeners continue to offer preassembled rain barrels for sale as well as information on purchasing a compost barrel.  With hurricane season upon us, a rain barrel is the perfect way to collect water to use to flush toilets and other uses when the power goes off. Interested in becoming a Volunteer Master Gardener?  Stop by the booth to obtain a form to submit for the upcoming class starting in January 2015.  We will be able to share information on the classes as well as describe why we became Master Gardeners. So plan on stopping by the Master Gardeners' booth Number 68 to say hello and pick up some information. They welcome your questions and are always eager to hear your gardening experiences – what works for you and what did not.  If you do not have a question, we will give you information on how to contact us the remainder of the month when you may have a gardening question.

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