Thursday, July 11, 2013

Music by Tina Marie for the July market

Tina Marie provides the musical entertainment for the July market. She grew up in North Carolina and has been submersed in music her entire life. Her first instrument was piano, but now she is a vocalist and guitarist.

She also plays a little harmonica, mandolin, accordion and percussion. "I always loved to sing, and loved picking out harmonies. All through school I was always in any and every choir, chorus or vocal ensemble I could get into", says Tina. She played with various bands in Richmond all through the 90's; The Attics, Bart Chucker Band, Mad Marjorie and Whistler's Mother. After a stint in NYC, Tina moved back to Richmond in 2005, and formed a band, which ultimately became Vinyl Tease. Her vocal style has great range and emotion, with a bluesy undertone – check out Tina on the courthouse steps in one of her two sessions starting at 9:30 am and at 11:15 am.

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