Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"Mary Creighton and Brandon Hennessey"

"Mary Creighton and Brandon Hennessey, Featured Artists" 6:00pm-8:00pm, "Art after Dark"  This Friday, July 19, the Tappahannock Art Gallery will present the work of Mary Creighton and Brandon Hennessey, who will be the featured artists at the Farmer's Market on Saturday, July 20. Mary, who has been a local educator will show some of her fine glass painting skills. Brandon, who is a 2D mixed media artist, has recently been focusing on portraitures.  Bring your friends and relatives to downtown Prince Street to meet our guest artists and preview their work while you are treated to your favorite wines and tasty morsels.  For additional information call Frank Rixey at 445-5131.

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