Wednesday, August 6, 2014

David Aiken Guest Artist

The sailboat Atelier is home, studio, and sometime gallery for David Aiken. His paintings are vivid impressions of the places and people he finds as he travels the water routes of the United States and the Bahamas. In the summer months, the boat is in the Chesapeake, allowing ample time for sketching and painting in Bay tributaries and waterside towns. Whether working in watercolor or acrylic, David uses direct strokes of color-over-color to bring a strong element of design to his art. Despite the boating lifestyle, the subjects of his paintings are not limited to marine in the traditional sense. To balance the boating time, David spends part of each year meandering by land, revisiting his home state of Michigan or, more recently, driving cross-country for the inspiration that comes with the scenic beauty of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. The palette is always changing, to reflect the changing surroundings. David is the coauthor of seven children's books, and he has illustrated a total of thirteen. At schools and libraries, he gives "book-talk" presentations, showing children how to draw and encouraging them to stretch their imagination.

Rivah Southern Seasoning and Rub

Rivah Southern has some new and exciting happenings from their home location at Fieldcrest Farm with a new 'Rivah Southern' name and logo. They have been awarded the privileged VA Finest Product designation for both their Rivah Southern Seasoning & Rub, a Smokey Sweet that is great not only on pork and chicken, but salmon, roasted potatoes with olive oil, corn on the cob, prime rib, baked squash, and more. Our Rivah Southern Lavender Lemonade, also a VA Finest designation, is a great summer refresher for parties, picnics, weddings, and such. A subtle lavender taste takes the bite off of the lemon giving it a smooth taste. Also is being purchased as a mixer for your favorite adult beverage. Available by the glass or gallon to go. Sampling so will available at the market.  'We do Southern the Rivah way!' Stop by their booth and check them out.