Friday, April 11, 2014

Market Returns April 19th!

It's a Tappahannock tradition!  Celebrate spring with the opening of the fifth season of Tappahannock Farmers' Market on Saturday, April 19th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. For those early birds in the market enjoy a free cup of coffee while supplies last, provided by TFM sponsor Essex Bank or stop by Tbonz & Tuna opposite the Courthouse steps for a wide range of breakfast delights.

This year, we welcome back over 30 vendors who have been with us for four years since the market started.  This month over 70 vendors will  include a dozen new participants. Pick up a program from the EVB Market Welcome booth next to WRAR tent on Cross Street and use the booth map to locate your favorite vendors, or ask a TFM volunteer recognizable by their green TFM caps. Read more at